Charlotte Pence- Life Lessons from My Father, Vice President – Mike Pence

Today’s special guest is Charlotte Pence, daughter of Vice President, Mike Pence.  Charlotte is here to share her new book, Where You Go: Life Lessons from My Father. It’s an intriguing look at Vice President Mike Pence from Charlotte’s perspective and provides insights only a daughter can offer.  It’s the story of a Christian husband and father who answers the call to serve America with his family by his side.

Much of our conversation surrounds the foundation of faith set by her father and how she found her own faith.  But we also discuss her passion for the A21 organization and its fight against human trafficking, If you stick around for the very end of the show, after the music and everything, I ask Charlotte about her own political aspirations and how she felt when her father was tapped to be Vice President of the United States.

Follow Charlotte on Facebook HERE, on Twitter HERE, and on Instagram HERE

Where You Go Life Lessons from My Father is Available on

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