Israel Rising: Ancient Prophecy/Modern Lens – Doug Hershey | Episode 109

LogoI just spent an incredible few days at the CBA/UNITE event in Nashville, TN.  I had the privilege of speaking with Charlotte Pence, Daughter of Vice President Mike Pence. Charlotte has a new book called Where You Go: Life Lessons from My Father. I hung out a bit with Dove award winner Plumb and talked about her new book and album. And, it was great to see the renowned pastor and Bible teacher James Goll.  He has of all things, a new CD coming out.  These are just a few of the amazing conversations I had at the conference and I can’t wait to bring them to you over the next several weeks.

Big shout out to Deborah Mash and the whole CBA/Unite team for a wonderful event.  If you’re a Christian retailer, or a Christian artist, author, entertainer or influencer, check out the CBA organization. Go to for more information.

Today, we welcome author Doug Hershey to discuss his newest book Israel Rising: Ancient Prophecy/Modern Lens.

Doug is an author, conference speaker, and founder of Ezra Adventures, an Israel-focused travel and education company. From years of hands-on experience, cultivating local relationships in Israel, and a love for history, Hershey provides a unique perspective on the Jewish Scriptures and present-day Israel. Hershey is based out of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. When he is not in Israel with Ezra Adventures, he is speaking in churches and synagogues.

Topping four Amazon best-seller charts, Israel Rising features more than 175 photographs from photojournalist Elise Monique Theriault that compare 100-year-old pictures of the Holy Land to current pictures taken from the same angle, revealing the miraculous changes in this region since the rebirth of Israel.

The book starts by giving readers a look at exactly what Ezekiel prophesied in the Bible, exploring the historical accounts from Jewish, Christian, and Muslim eyewitnesses of what the physical land and region has experienced and endured. The book also features photos from the 1880s-1940s juxtaposed against more than 175 new photos of the same locations, allowing readers to experience first-hand the amazing transformation of Israel over the years since the birth of the modern State of Israel on May 14, 1948.

Much of our conversation surrounds the miraculous existence of the nation of Israel and the special place that God holds in his hear for this land and the Jewish people.

Doug’s website is You can follow him on Facebook HERE and on Instagram HERE.

Check out Elise Monique Theriault’s stunning work at

Israel Rising: Ancient Prophecy/Modern Lens is available on

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